2015年9月6日 星期日

[翻譯] Open-Channel Solid State Drives

Open-Channel Solid State Drives(OC-SSD) ,和一般SSD一樣透過邏輯位址空間操作實際快閃記憶體,但是包含部分原本實作在SSD 韌體層的特性。

一般的SSD是由 flash translation layer(FTL),bad block management,硬體元件: 集合了flash controller, host interface controller and flash chips 所組成。

然而,OC-SSD 提出把部分或是全部原本屬於FTL責任歸屬的項目移到Host system,也就是host system被允許管理諸如data placement, garbage collection and parallelism等行為;或者是留下可以增加效能的特性在SSD內。例如: bad block management,只實作相較一般SSD來說更輕量的FTL執行atomic IOs, metadata management等等。

Linux 系統的OC-SSD 系統架構圖如下所示,包括整合設備驅動程式,數個區塊管理者(block manager)以及數個目標(Target),這些目標可能是客製的或者是大家都有的特性以及一個核心(Core)。


區塊管理者(block manager) 負責管理設備上的快閃記憶體區塊。 會因為不同廠牌的快閃記憶體本身或是SSD製造商所擴展的特性而有所不同。  例如: OC-SSD需要去管理metadata 檔案系統;混合HDD及SSD的產品需要實作區塊管理,讓區塊管理者能夠從硬碟讀取區塊管理資訊。

OC-SSD架構下的目標(Target)需要在軟體層實作諸如: 記憶體轉換邏輯、資料該如何儲存在快閃記憶體以及設計Garbage collection(GC)等機制,因此可以擁有設計位址空間的彈性。例如: 以區塊、鍵值或是以物件來儲存管理。  OC-SSD劃分了區塊管理、資料儲存方式以及Garbage collection處理機制到host system上,硬體製造商就可以製造更通用的基礎或是說更簡單的產品讓OC-SSD架構下的目標(Target)去相容市場上的各種產品以及讓它去負責創造單一位址空間滿足全部此架構下的硬碟。

核心負責實作共享於各個目標(Target)的功能。例如: 初始化、卸載或是效能計數器。

ref: http://openchannelssd.readthedocs.org/en/latest/

心得:  一個產品是否要把FTL原先負責的部分切到host端去實作,其實我覺得在技術面上不管是要在host還是device作都可行,既然一個產品 == 商品就得考慮到市場接受度,市場接受度來自於品牌、性價比,撇開品牌先不討論;就性價比討論,價錢來自於產品的開發生產成本,我們要思考的是這樣的架構是否會影響既有的產業鏈生態,廠商是否願意推動這樣的產品。 性能(效能)的部分,我們必須先思考既有的產品效能瓶頸在哪? 這樣的架構是否是解決此瓶頸的方法或是換成Open-Channel Solid State Drives(OC-SSD)的架構是否能創造出一種次世代的產品,直接取代了原先架構下的瓶頸點。   此篇提出了不同於 bache file system紀錄 對於快閃記憶體生態鏈的新思維。一直有各種對於資料儲存的研究,可見得對於"紀錄"一直是人類歷史上不可或缺的一塊。

2015年8月26日 星期三

bcache file system 紀錄

今天又逛了一下linux maillist 發現了一篇還蠻有趣的發言,筆記一下看看未來的發展。
內容提到bcachefs就他文中描述,bcahefs 的效能以及可靠度可以跟ext4, xfs 相提並論又有btrfs/zfs的特性,之後有時間應該要去了解一下這個檔案系統。

bcachefs is a modern COW(copy-on-write?) filesystem with checksumming, compression, multiple devices, caching,
and eventually snapshots and all kinds of other nifty features.


 - multiple devices
   (replication is like 80% done, but the recovery code still needs to be

 - caching/tiering (naturally)
   you can format multiple devices at the same time with bcacheadm, and assign
   them to different tiers - right now only two tiers are supported, tier 0
   (default) is the fast tier and tier 1 is the slow tier. It'll effectively do
   writeback caching between tiers.

 - checksumming, compression: currently only zlib is supported for compression,
   and for checksumming there's crc32c and a 64 bit checksum. There's mount
   options for them:
   # mount -o data_checksum=crc32c,compression=gzip

   Caveat: don't try to use tiering and checksumming or compression at the same
   time yet, the read path needs to be reworked to handle both at the same time.

 - snapshots (might start on this soon)
 - erasure coding
 - native support for SMR drives, raw flash

發文者對此檔案系統也作了一些效能測試,使用的是dbench,高端的pcie flash device

Here's some dbench numbers, running on a high end pcie flash device:

1 thread, O_SYNC:       Throughput              Max latency
bcache:                 225.812 MB/sec          18.103 ms
ext4:                   454.546 MB/sec          6.288 ms
xfs:                    268.81 MB/sec           1.094 ms
btrfs:                  271.065 MB/sec          74.266 ms

20 threads, O_SYNC:     Throughput              Max latency
bcache:                 1050.03 MB/sec          6.614 ms
ext4:                   2867.16 MB/sec          4.128 ms
xfs:                    3051.55 MB/sec          10.004 ms
btrfs:                  665.995 MB/sec          1640.045 ms

60 threads, O_SYNC:     Throughput              Max latency
bcache:                 2143.45 MB/sec          15.315 ms
ext4:                   2944.02 MB/sec          9.547 ms
xfs:                    2862.54 MB/sec          14.323 ms
btrfs:                  501.248 MB/sec          8470.539 ms

1 thread:               Throughput              Max latency
bcache:                 992.008 MB/sec          2.379 ms
ext4:                   974.282 MB/sec          0.527 ms
xfs:                    715.219 MB/sec          0.527 ms
btrfs:                  647.825 MB/sec          108.983 ms

20 threads:             Throughput              Max latency
bcache:                 3270.8 MB/sec           16.075 ms
ext4:                   4879.15 MB/sec          11.098 ms
xfs:                    4904.26 MB/sec          20.290 ms
btrfs:                  647.232 MB/sec          2679.483 ms

60 threads:             Throughput              Max latency
bcache:                 4644.24 MB/sec          130.980 ms
ext4:                   4405.16 MB/sec          69.741 ms
xfs:                    4413.93 MB/sec          131.194 ms
btrfs:                  803.926 MB/sec          12367.850 ms

"Where'd that 20% of my space go?" - you'll notice the capacity shown by df is
lower than what it should be. Allocation in bcachefs (like in upstream bcache)
is done in terms of buckets, with copygc required if no buckets are empty, hence
we need copygc and a copygc reserve (much like the way SSD FTLs work).

It's quite conceivable at some point we'll add another allocator that doesn't
work in terms of buckets and doesn't require copygc (possibly for rotating
disks), but for a COW filesystem there are real advantages to doing it this way.
So for now just be aware - and the 20% reserve is probably excessive, at some
point I'll add a way to change it.

意思是使用者會發現容量被吃了!? 這對儲存業者來說好像蠻重視的??

Mount times:
bcachefs is partially garbage collection based - we don't persist allocation
information. We no longer require doing mark and sweep at runtime to reclaim
space, but we do have to walk the extents btree when mounting to find out what's
free and what isn't.

(We do retain the ability to do a mark and sweep while the filesystem is in use
though - i.e. we have the ability to do a large chunk of what fsck does at


How do you imagine SMR drives support? How do you feel about libzbc
using for SMR drives support? I am not very familiar with bcachefs
architecture yet. But I suppose that maybe libzbc model can be useful
for SMR drives support on bcachefs side. Anyway, it makes sense to
discuss proper model.

How do you imagine raw flash support in bcachefs architecture? Frankly
speaking, I am implementing NAND flash oriented file system. But this
project is proprietary yet and I can't share any details. However,
currently, I've implemented NAND flash related approaches in my file
system only. So, maybe, it make sense to consider some joint variant of
bcachefs and implementation on my side for NAND flash support. I need to
be more familiar with bcachefs architecture for such decision. But,
unfortunately, I suspect that it can be not so easy to support raw flash
for bcachefs. Of course, I can be wrong.

提到他正在實作NAND flash oriented file system從他詢問的方式來看應該再開發一種不需要FLASH controller的檔案系統,其實我也一直在思考何時會不需要FLASH controller?? 撇開最近剛發表很紅的XPOINT不說。未來產品是否會回歸直接搭載raw flash? 產品效能的瓶頸在哪? 

2015年6月8日 星期一

[HOW TO]: use debugfs functions in kernel module

use module [mmc_block_test] for example

because the mmc_block_test already use debugfs, you will see debugfs_create_dir and debugfs_create_file in the soucrec code. When the module be installed or be triggered, the debugfs will create a directory(default in /sys/kernel/debug/) for it.

By using debugfs, we wouldn't need to write a user application program for testing module functions.

Actual Operation on DragonBoard
Step1. See current io-scheduler
#cat /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/schduler
Step2. Switch io-scheduler and the relative functions will be mounted in debugfs
#echo test-iosched > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/schduler
Step3. Move to functions folder, in there we will see /tests/ and /utils/
#cd /sys/kernel/debug/test-iosched/

Step4. Linux use echo command to trigger .write, and using cat command to trigger .read in terminal
for example,
#echo 4 > write_packing_control_test will do 4 cycle of write_packing_control_test_write
#cat write_packing_control_test will show what write_packing_control_test_write will do

ref: Documentation/filesystems/debugfs.txt

2015年4月11日 星期六

Program "make" not found in PATH

Today, I copied a native project from my Linux PC and I need to continue developing on Windows PC. Problem is after import project to eclipse an error showed: Program "make" not found in PATH

This post is record for myself to solve this problem when I need to setup another Windows computer for the building environment.

My solution:
1. Modify the Build command: make  in Property -> C/C++ Build to ${NDKROOT}/ndk-build.cmd

 2. Add an Environment variables NDKROOT
     the Value is the location where your NDK library.
     In my case is D:\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702\android-ndk-r9d

That's all. Enjoy your code~

2015年2月6日 星期五

Fatal signal 11(SIGSEGV) at 0xDEADBAAD(code=1)

Recent days, I develop an android app which need to use an open-source native library.

After running app on the target smart phone, some errors always happen when access the native code..

such as,


Fatal signal 11(SIGSEGV) at 0xDEADBAAD(code=1), thread 



After searched some related information from StackOverflow and google..

Below is some possible reasons which direct me to the correct way for debug.

1. A function call being made from two different threads at the same time.

2. It is related to device's memory error. (Such as no malloc and call free in native code.)

3. About the 0xDEADBAAD error message. 0xDEADBAAD is used by the Android libc abort()             frunction when native heap corruption is detected.

In my case, following above hints, finally I found the root cause is memory align issue.

Terrible days...

[Linux] find& grep

When trace the source code of a new project which from a customer or the online opensource, we often need "find" some file name or "grep" content in a file.

Below is the instructions to achieve above behavior.

$find . -name "*.i" -print

means find all the file name end with ".i" from current folder and all folders under current folder..

$grep -rn "test" .

means find text "test" in current folder and all folders under current folder.